Cyber bullying in Singapore

Posted by +Yumi Chan+ On 12:06 AM 1 comments
Singapore currently has the second highest number of cyber bullying cases after the united states. With the rise in technology, it is not surprising that cyber bullying is taking a sharp rise in Singapore. Most of the cyber bullying cases in Singapore affects the youths.

With the improvement of internet technology, brought upon an increase in globalization which creates a time compression between time and space. This brought about the widespread usage of interaction on social media websites and platforms. This in turn contribute to the increase of cyber bullying threats as the time people spent online is getting longer.

With the widespread usage of social media platforms, victims can easily fall prey to cyber bullies. Cyber bullies are taking their bullying to the net where they can get very fast reaction from a vast amount of viewers.

In 2011, a case which was seen as what could be a first case of death caused by cyber bullying created a rise in awareness against cyber bullying. With the increase awareness of cyber bullying, a nationwide "cyberwellness" campaign is introduced. This campaign launched by Media Development Authority (MDA) aims to educated parents and children on cyberwellness. Schools are also involved in the campaign to help promote and increase awareness.

There are various ways to prevent and stop cyber bullying. The ways can be carried out by schools, parents and also children/youths themselves.

  • Raise awareness with regards to cyber bullying
  • Educate parents, teachers and students on how to react when faced with cyber bullying case
  • Work with parents to come up with solutions that can curb cyber bullying
  • Educate students on cyber ethics and law
  • Take proactive procedures to address cyber bullying cases in school
  • Implement community based approach that addresses cyber bullying cases outside of school
  • Take a stand against cyber bullying

Schools have came up with ways and methods to educate students on how they should react and handle cyber bullying correctly. There are videos created to educate and also to allow students to interactively understand the dangers of cyber bullying.

Interactive video which depicts a cyber bullying case and allows you to choose between 3 options on how you would want to react to the bullying

Video made by students to show the proper way of handling a cyber bullying case

  • Keep computer at visible places
  • Talk regularly to your children about their online activities
  • Set rules on the usage of internet
  • Talk to your children about cyber bullying and explain the consequences
In the unfortunate case where cyber bullying has taken place. There are certain things that parents should do to stop cyber bullying.
  • Avoid overreacting
  • Be supportive of your child throughout the whole period
  • Inform the school of the cyber bullying case
  • Talk to your child about the cyber bully
  • Ignore messages and block all contacts from the cyber bully
Preventive measures should also be taken by parents to prevent cyber bullying cases from arising again.
Restrict communications to your child, go through the list and make sure that only the approved list of friends can communicate with your child.
To prevent cyber bullies from targeting your child, parents should ensure that only their children ignore and do not add anyone anonymous to their list of friends.
Google your child
This is to prevent cyber bullies from posting attacks online. Set up an alert on Google to notify you if there is anything about your child posted online.
Reporting to school
Cases of cyber bullying usually takes place off school ground. Reporting to school can allow school personnel to check on the situation in school preventing cyber bullying to arise in school.

Children and Youth
Children and youth themselves should also be aware and take preventive measures against cyber bullying.
  • Never give our personal information online
  • Do not divulge passwords to anyone
  • Never accept and read emails or messages from anonymous senders
  • Always observe positive net ethics when online
When dealing with a cyber bully, there are 3 easy steps that should be observed. Stop, Block and Tell

Do not attempt to do anything rash and ignore all flamings from the cyber bully.
Restrict and block all means of communications with the cyber bully
Inform a trusted adult and report the bullying to authorities

With all the preventive measures and methods to handle cyber bullying around, I hope that there will be a decline of cyber bullying case in these coming years. As our lives become gradually more "online" most of our time and things will be spent and done on the net. This is why a safe net where positive ethics and proper usage is vital for the future generation to fully enjoy the technology and advances without having the risk of a preying cyber bully prowling around on the net.


Cyber Bullying Retrieved April 22, 2012, from

Managing cyber bullying. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from
Bullying in Singapore Schools. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from
Bullying turns to cyberspace. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from
Educators concerned about increasing trend of cyber bullying. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from

Protecting yourself from cyber bullies. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from


Posted by +Yumi Chan+ On 11:07 PM 0 comments

With the alarming increase rate of cyber bullying cases, ways to prevent and reduce cyber bullying has been been widely discussed and looked into. Prevention and education is very important in order to reduce the rates of cyber bully.

Prevention methods against cyber bullying can be generally classified into 3 areas :
  • School
  • Parents 
  • Victims themselves


School acts as a very important place to spread the methods of prevention against cyber bullying as most of the victims affected by cyber bullying are mostly youths and children. They are more likely to be affected by these online threats and not have any idea on how to handle it. Education can be done in school can teach the children about the consequences of cyber bullying and also on how they can help prevent and take a stand against it.


Problems arises from cyber bullying occurs when victims feel that they have been abused in the cyber world, but have no one to talk and turn to for help. Parents are usually the most trusted people that children go to when things go wrong, however parents tend to oversee and also misinterpret the intentions of their children.
Parents should also be educated on the effects of cyber bullying and how they can help in prevention. They also should educate their children of the positive etiquette on the net and also how they should respond to cyber bullies. Immediate action should be taken in any case that their children should be a victim of cyber bullying.

There are certain signs of cyber bullying that parents should take note of :
  • Abrupt stop of access to computer of other media devices
  • Unwillingly to attend school of leave home
  • Appear to be angry, depressed, nervous and frustrated most of the time
  • Withdrawal from family and friends 


Prevention starts from yourself. Victims should be educated on how they should handle cyber bullying. There are certain "stay safe tips" that should be followed when having an encounter with cyber bullying. This tips can help victims protect themselves and hopefully put a stop to cyber bullying.

Stay Safe Tips 


Do not do anything and stop all interaction with the cyber bully.


Do not respond or retaliate


Limit communications to you and block the bully. Delete and do not read all messages sent from the bullies.

Take evidence and save the proof of bully. This can important proof that can be used against the bullies.


Get a trusted adult whom you believe to help. Show them the evidence of bullying and get them to help.


Cyber Bullying Prevention Retrieved April 21, 2012, from
Preventing Cyber bullying: Top ten tips for parents. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from

Ten tips to prevent cyber bullying. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from

Eight ways to deal with cyber bullies. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from

Take a stand against cyber bullying. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from

Standing up to cyber bullying. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from

Consequences & Aftermath

Posted by +Yumi Chan+ On 8:15 PM 0 comments

Victims of cyber bullying often suffer from significant emotional and psychological trauma which is often equal to or if not greater then traditional face to face bullying.

Some common feelings that victims encounter are:
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Shame
  • Fear
  • Frustration
  • Hopelessness

All these negative feelings may lead to severe mental illnesses such as depression. Victims may also suffer from low self esteem and also the inability to place trust in others. Avoidance of school is also one of the common consequences caused by bullying, this in turn causes them to perform lowly academically which adds on to their trauma. Most victims ended up being withdrawn from their social life causing social disintegration and have problems with their interpersonal skills.

Some behavior that arises when such negative emotions are not dealt with proper care includes bullying and in some extreme cases, suicide. Victims who feel vengeful turn to bullying for revenge and for the feel of control . And some of the unfortunate victims who feel that the pain of the bullying is too much for them to bear will turn to suicide as a form of escape.

Suicide caused by cyber bullying is gaining much attention now as these tragic incidents are on the rise. Studies have also shown that victims of cyber bullying are almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide compared to those who are not exposed to cyber bullying.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide, there are at least 100 suicide attempts.

This alarming statistics between cyber bullying and suicide is causing the world review its opinions and view on the adverse effects that will be caused by cyber bullying


Cyberbullying Research Summary Emotional and psychological consequences Retrieved March 10, 2012, from

Cross EJ, Richardson B, Douglas T and Volkaenal-Flatt J., 2009. Virtual Violence: Protecting Children from Cyber-bullying. London: Beatbullying.

Johnson, J. M. (2009, March). The impact of cyberbullying: A new type of relational aggression.

Cyber Bullying Stories using information technology. Retrieved March 10, 2012, from

Parents: Cyber Bullying Led to Teen's Suicide.
Retrieved March 10, 2012, from


Posted by +Yumi Chan+ On 6:20 AM 0 comments
While traditional bullying and cyber bullying has much differences, this only meant that the latter is more dangerous and creates a much more devastating effect.

A recent study discovered cyber-bullying to be a serious problem and some felt that it was more serious than ‘traditional’ bullying due to the associated anonymity (Mishna et al 2009).

There are a few factors that makes cyber bullying so dangerous:

  • Cyber bullies are anonymous
  • The effect is rapid and widespread
  • It is very invasive

Cyber-bullying remains more anonymous than traditional bullying (Steffgen and Konig, 2009). Cyber bullies are usually hidden and untraceable, and they often will engage in online bullying behind protection of a anonymous name. This increases the circle of bullies as now anyone, including those who used to be physically unable to engage in traditional bullying. Cyber space also create a very suitable for bullies to implement their acts of bullying. The effect caused is real time and fast. Victims' humiliation are also exposed to the unlimited amount of potential supporters of bullying in the vast cyber space. The victims will have almost nowhere to escape from bullying as cyber space allows bullying to take place anytime and everywhere.

Survey have shown that Singapore has the second highest number of cyber-bullying cases after the US. This shows that we have to be vigilant towards cyber bullying as it may just be lurking near us.

The Straits Times
Section: Digital Life
March 11, 2008
By Stephanie Gwee

Cyber bullying can be anywhere and everywhere. As long as technology is available, there are chances that cyber bullying will prevail.


Willard, N. E. (2007). Cyberbullying and cyberthreats: Responding to the challenge of online social aggression, threats, and distress. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Caught in Web of menace. Retrieved March 10, 2012, from

Cyber Bullying

Posted by +Yumi Chan+ On 2:10 AM 0 comments

Like good and evil, dark and light. Everything in the world has it's own pros and cons. And technology is no different too. Although technology has provided us with countless benefits and convenience, it also has a "dark side" of its own.

Cyber bullying

Bullying has been around for generations, and have been seen as a fundamental and normal part of growing up. However, a new form of bullying which takes advantage of the diverse range of technology which is readily available has emerged.

Cyber bullying has been described as:
“…an aggressive intentional act carried out by a group or
individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and
over time against a victim who can not easily defend him or
herself.” (Smith et al. 2008: 376)

Most cyber bullying falls into the following categories:
  • Flaming: online fights using electronic messages using angry and vulgar language
  • Harassment, threats, and stalking: repeatedly sending cruel, vicious,or threatening messages (including sexual harassment)
  • Denigration: sending or posting gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships
  • Impersonation: using another person’s e-mail account to send harmful material or leading a victim into a hurtful or embarrassing situation by pretending to be someone else
  • Outing and trickery: engaging someone in instant messaging, tricking him or her into revealing sensitive information, and forwarding that information to others
  • Exclusion: intentionally excluding someone from an online group.
Source: Willard, N. (2007). Educator’s guide to cyberbullying and cyberthreats.
Retrieved November 1, 2007, from

One of the most common form of cyber bullying is the social media bullying. With the widespread usage of internet and smartphones, social media websites can be easily accessed whenever or wherever you maybe.
  • Common platforms used by cyber bullies includes:Networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter
  • Online games
  • Instant messaging platforms like MSN and eBuddy
  • Texts, photos and videos using mobile phones

Why social media bullying is such a common scene now is due to the high usage rate of social media websites and platforms.

In this "digital generation" where people are connected through the net 24/7, it is not surprising that cyber bullying is a growing problem throughout the globe.


Campbell, Marilyn A (2005) Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise?. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 15(1):68-76.

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2007). ‘Offline consequences of online victimization: School violence and delinquency’. Journal of School Violence, 6(3), 89112.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. Traditional and nontraditional bullying among youth: A test of general strain theory. Youth and Society. In Press.

R.M. Kowalski and S.P. Limber / Journal of Adolescent Health 41 (2007) S22–S30

More Cyberbullying on Facebook, Social Sites then Rest of Web. Retrieved March 10, 2012, from
